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Co mají společného web, karate a počítače

What the web, karate and computers have in common

| Petr Bouška - Samuraj |
How I started to create this website. What is this website actually about or better what should it be about? Why did I create it and what will you find here or, on the contrary, what will you search for in vain? This short article answers these questions.
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Note: This article was written in 2006, the first year of the site's operation. Since then things have changed :-).

I studied systems programming in college and somewhere towards the end of my studies I started programming for the web (not in school, they didn't teach that kind of thing before). It's a field with wide applications and I think it will continue to grow in the future. In my opinion, it is generally not complex programming, but you can see the results and I enjoy the work.

When I write code for the web, I try to follow modern design methods such as separating the look and feel using CSS (as well as layout using CSS), keeping the code valid and using various modern methods (such as RSS and SEO). However, I have my own opinions and only do what I personally think is right and beneficial. When one tries to create a nice site, one runs into a number of problems (making it work in Internet Explorer, how to do something purely in CSS). Since I have been doing this for a couple of years, I have managed to solve various problems and would like to share my experience with others so that they don't have to spend hours uncovering a problem.

During the period when the communist era ended in the Czech Republic, I saw several Asian films that absolutely charmed me (like The Whistle Blower or Shogun's Ninjas). That's why I took the plunge and signed up for karate as a young man. I think it was the right thing for me because I've stuck with it to this day. I have tried many other martial arts in the fifteen plus years since, but I have remained loyal to karate. I may not train as often today as I did when I was a student, and I act as a coach at most of my training sessions, but I still find joy and pleasure in this budo. And also in karate I think I have gained a lot of experience and knowledge (for example also from Zen Buddhism or Japanese history) that I would like to share.

When I was about 10 years old, my father bought me a Sinclair ZX Spectrum computer, and thus my life became completely connected with computers. Computers were my entertainment, my source of education and now my job. I don't think I'm the best in any area of computing, but I have a broad overview of many areas. I have a degree in programming and I do web development at home (part of my job). While in college, I made my money selling and servicing computers and mainly managing small networks. When I graduated, I was looking for a programming job, but ended up working as an IT System Administrator. I work in a software development company and have over 80 servers to manage, so I have to use advanced administration techniques. I have gained a lot of experience in this area as well and I find it a shame to keep it to myself.

So the answer to the question "What do the web, karate and the computer have in common?". They're all hobbies I love and I want to share my experience of them. I'd almost forgotten my other hobby, which is traveling. I love to explore other countries and most of all people from other countries. That's why I will also include here various interesting pictures from my travels.

I wouldn't want this site to become a place where I pour out my thoughts, opinions, complaints and comments, like a large number of blogs on the web. On the contrary, I would like to feature articles where you can find techniques and advice on solving various problems along with my practical experience. I hope to keep to my plans and, most importantly, to keep updating the content regularly. Equally, I hope that there will be many people who will find this site interesting and useful and will visit it regularly.


If you want write something about this article use comments.

  1. [1] nikdo22

    nevim kde najít konponenty počítače:-(:-(:-(:-(

    Tuesday, 18.04.2006 12:17 | answer
  2. [2] kropi

    Ahoj mam dotas nemas film mstitel s pistalou rad bych ho vlasnil byl to muj nejoblibenejsi fil v mladi pokud ano nebo vys kde ho koupit ozvi se na rada.kropi@seznam.cz dekuji predem

    Monday, 26.06.2006 11:30 | answer
  3. [3] Samuraj

    respond to [2]kropi: Bohužel nemám. Také jsem se snažil tento film někde nalézt, ale marně.

    Monday, 26.06.2006 14:46 | answer
  4. [4] dave

    mam ten film a a muzes ho mit na cd jako div x ,ale prodavam ho za 200,- je fakt megga jestli ho chces,tak napis na sean-combs@seznam.cz

    Tuesday, 11.07.2006 04:34 | answer
  5. [5] michal zobec

    respond to [4]dave: a ty na něj máš práva? nebo k němu dáváš ještě originál na DVD?

    Thursday, 10.05.2007 12:29 | answer
  6. [6] Petr

    Zdravim ,

    nasel jsem tady par informaci ve velice prehledne podobe (CIDR notace ale i jine), ktere mi pomohli pochopit danou tematiku ve velice kratkem case.Protoze pocitace jsou taky mym konickem a navic jsem se pustil do studia hodne mi pomahaji vysvetleni "polopate" ktere uz nekdo prolouskal a ne jenom anglicke clanky z knizek ktere nekdy samotni anglicky mluvici maji problem pochopit.Preji ti vse dobre , at tvuj web pomaha vsem kteri o to stoji.

    Thursday, 08.11.2007 00:33 | answer
  7. [7] Leo

    Taky jsem začínal na ZX Spectru 64, ale českej ze Skalice ;-) Přesně si pamatuju ten první okamžik, kdy jsme to s taťkou připojili k TV a naskočil ten "L" kurzor a zablikalo to. Hned jsem věděl, že počítače jsou můj život :-) Bylo to ve čtvrté třídě a dodnes dělám ajťáka. Škoda že si nemám o těchto starých dobrých časech s kým povídat :-( Dnešní generace prostě nemají šajnu, když se třeba nahrávala z pásky nějaká hra 5 minut a pak to zablikalo a konec reset hadr. Dodnes to považuju za určitý rituál. A ty zvuky :-)

    Jinak dobrej web. Jen tak dál a karate zdar ...

    Monday, 28.06.2010 13:02 | answer
  8. [8] BB

    Informace na tomto webu jsou ve velmi srozumitelne podobe. Dekuji, mnohokrat mi pomohly pri studiu. SW, karate a cestovani mam tez v oblibe. Fandim Ti ...

    Saturday, 12.01.2013 15:48 | answer
  9. [9] Jakub

    Jen tak dál, je to perfektni web se spoustou pro mne dulezitych informaci.

    Tuesday, 03.12.2013 12:25 | answer
  10. [10] moncherry

    Dobrý den, obracím se tímto na pana Boušku s prosbou. Na vaši radu jsem coby starší senior zakoupil Beurer BF 700. Prosím o podrobný návod, jak zadat víc členů rodiny do váhy ( neb mobilu Samsung GS4),

    jak odstranit zadaná data více členů pod jedním jménem. A taky zda je nutné instalovat aplikaci do notebooku.

    Mnohokrát děkuji

    Sunday, 18.09.2016 10:14 | answer
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