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Cisco IOS 2 - verze, upgrade a záloha IOSu

Cisco IOS 2 - IOS version, upgrade and backup

| Petr Bouška - Samuraj |
In the second part of the articles about the operating system of Cisco active elements, I will briefly describe the switches and then the procedures for upgrading the IOS and the related backup of the IOS and configuration.
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Types of Switches

Cisco offers a wide range of switches, primarily targeting medium and large enterprises. The switches are named Catalyst and come in several basic series. The main distinction is based on the layer they operate on - primarily Layer 2 of the OSI model (e.g., C2960) and Layer 3 of the OSI model (e.g., C3750), and whether they are modular (C4500 and C6500).

The switch designation indicates a range of its features. The designation might look like C3750G-24PS. Some features are specific to the given model, but many are general. The name consists of main parameters, a dash, and additional parameters.

  • C for Catalyst
  • 3750 indicates the model series
  • G indicates Gigabit ports
  • 24 indicates the number of ports (excluding uplinks)
  • After the number of ports, there are several options:
    • PS - powered ports (Power over Ethernet)
    • TT - uplinks are metallic RJ45 ports
    • TC - uplinks are SFP modules
    • FS - all ports are optical
    • S - all ports are SFP

There are other options, usually specific to a certain model. Similarly, the number and type of uplink ports depend on the final designation and model.

Downloading IOS

IOS can be downloaded from Cisco's Download Center. However, an account with sufficient permissions is required. Common switches are in the Switches Software - LAN Switches category. Under each series, there is a list of individual models, but the IOS is usually the same for the entire series.

For certain switches and a specific version of IOS, there are usually several software variants available for download.

Types of IOS

The IOS operating system is stored in an image file with the bin extension. A version with a web interface, which has the tar extension, can also be downloaded. This archive contains the bin file plus an html directory. The version with a web interface is labeled WITH WEB BASED DEV MGR.

Then we can choose a version with or without encryption W/O CRYPTO (does not include SSL, SSH, and SNMPv3).

Finally, it is determined what functions are included in the IOS. A specific physical switch can gain higher functionality only by purchasing a higher version of IOS. Previously, they were divided only into Standard Image and Advanced Image, but now there are many versions. Certain versions exist only for specific switches.

For Layer 2 switches, only the LAN BASE version of IOS is available, with basic network services. For Layer 3 switches, we have IP BASE - basic, IP SERVICES, ADVANCED IP SERVICES. There are also several special versions. A higher version always includes everything in the lower version.

  • Layer 2 Base - L2, 802.1x, 802.3ad, 802.1s, 802.w, EtherChannel, 802.1d, Port Security, Smart Ports, SSH, etc.
  • LAN Base - ACL, QoS, Enhanced 802.1x, AutoQoS, AutoSecure, etc.
  • IP Base - L3, RIP, HSRP/VRRP, StackWise, GRE EIGRP STUB, WCCP, etc.
  • IP Services - EIGRP, OSPF, BGP, GLBP, QoS, High Availability, NAT, nBAR, VRF-lite, Multicast, etc.
  • Advanced IP Services - IS-IS, MPLS, L2/L3, VPNs, IPv6, Mobile Support, IP SLAs, etc.

Backing Up IOS from the Switch

To copy data to/from the switch, a standard TFTP server is used. We can use, for example, TFTPD32, which we run on the computer from which we manage the switch.

We connect to the switch and copy the current IOS as follows.

SWITCH#show version 					// display version information
SWITCH#show flash 					// display contents
SWITCH#cd c3750-ipbase-mz.122-25.SEB4 			// sometimes we need to go to a subdirectory
SWITCH#copy flash tftp 					// start copying 
Source filename []?c3750-ipbase-mz.122-25.SEB4.bin 	// name of the file being transferred
Address or name of remote host []? 	// address of the TFTP server
Destination filename [c3750-ipbase-mz.122-25.SEB4.bin]?	// if we do not want to change the target name, press ENTER

Backing Up Configuration

We can back up the configuration in the same way as backing up IOS, only changing the name of the copied file. We can copy the running-config, startup-config, or the file where the startup-config is stored.

SWITCH#copy running-config tftp  

A more convenient way to back up the configuration is provided by the Cisco Network Assistant program. In the menu, select Maintenance - Configuration Archive.

The startup configuration is stored in the flash:config.text file.

VLAN information is stored in the flash:vlan.dat file.

Upgrading IOS

To upgrade IOS, it is necessary to copy the new image and all necessary files to the switch's Flash memory and restart it. Theoretically, we can have multiple versions of IOS stored on the switch if we have enough space. If there is not enough space on the switch, we must first delete the old image (the running system is in RAM).

SWITCH#del c3750-ipbase-mz.122-25.SEB4 	// delete the file

An easier way is to use the Cisco Network Assistant. In the menu, select Maintenance - Software Upgrade and the program will do everything automatically. It will verify the file, extract the tar archive, copy all necessary files, and restart the switch.

The second option is to do everything manually. Copy the files similarly to backing up IOS. Then initiate the switch restart.

SWITCH#reload  	// restart the switch 

Related articles:

Cisco IOS

A large series about the operating system of Cisco's active elements. It contains some of the most read articles on this site. The articles describe the configuration of switches and routers, primarily with Cisco IOS. Things about ports, VLANs, STP, ACLs, QoS, etc.

If you want write something about this article use comments.

  1. [1] Michal

    Dobrý den, měl bych dotaz k tomuto tématu. Nyní pracuji krátkou dobu v jedné firmě a nalezl jsem switch 3750-PS bez využití. Nastartoval jsem ho a zjistil jsem, že z flash nenabíhá žádný IOS a v příkazové řádce mám pouze swich: Pokoušel jsem ho nejakým způsobem oživit, ale jak jste psal, tak na cisco stránkách jsem neměl dostatečný přístup ke stažení tohoto image. Chci se zeptat, jestli by jste mě nemohl nasměrovat jak tento switch zprovoznit? Předem moc děkuji a s pozdravem Michal

    Monday, 10.11.2008 09:11 | answer
  2. [2] _knight

    sprav si TFTP a do googlu napis "index of" bin "ios" no budes mat nelegalny IOS ale dufame,ze nam to cisco odpusti na naucenie

    a ked tam nie je ziadny image tak tam robis s rommonom

    takze ked si v mode nejakom takom rommon> napises

    IP_ADDRESS=<IP adresa switchu>



    TFTP_SERVER=<ip pocitaca na ktorom fici TFTP sluzba>

    TFTP_FILE=<file ktory chces dat na swich musi byt cely nazov a je case sensitive + len daj file{IOS} do zlozky do TFTP servera>


    a vsetko je bez < >


    Tuesday, 11.11.2008 20:48 | answer
  3. [3] _knight

    robim len s routrami povacsinou tak dufam,ze je to narovnako :)) ^

    Tuesday, 11.11.2008 20:50 | answer
  4. [4] mrogun

    Ahojte na zozname zariadeni som nasiel toto:


    Viete mi povedat, co to "CS" a "A" znamena?

    A tiez by som sa spytal mame jeden switch, v ktorom je miesto na "metalicke sfp" prepacte za vyraz vraj by cez neho ethernet nesiel, tak som sa chcel spytat preco by tam nesiel...

    Diky moc Peto

    Sunday, 28.12.2008 14:14 | answer
  5. [5] samuraj

    respond to [4]mrogun: 12CS znamená, že switch je vybaven 12ti dual-purpose (dvojúčelovými) porty, buď se použije SFP nebo RJ45 port. Co znamená A nevím.

    Druhou otázku nechápu. Pokud je tam SFP konektor, tak si můžeme vybrat jaký modul (z podporovaných) použijeme. Metalický je podle mne pouze Ethernet.

    Sunday, 28.12.2008 15:00 | answer
  6. [6] morgun

    Skusim sa na to spytat jedneho kolegu(ked s nim budem) Lebo taketo pseudonazvy asi nikomu nic nehovoria. Bolo to ako vacsie metalicke SFP.

    Tuesday, 30.12.2008 13:16 | answer
  7. [7] Samuraj

    respond to [6]morgun: No jestli to není SFP, tak u starších Cisco switchů se používal GBIC konektor. Je to větší předchůdce SFP se stejným účelem.

    Tuesday, 30.12.2008 15:01 | answer
  8. [8] GeishaX

    Jen dotaz ohledně updatu IOSu.Není ještě potřeba po smazání starého a uploadu nového nastavit boot na nový IOS ?

    boot system switch flash:/cxxx-ipservicesk9-mz.xxxx.bin .

    Monday, 14.06.2010 13:19 | answer
  9. [9] Samuraj

    respond to [8]GeishaX: Logické by to bylo :-), ale momentálně to nedokážu říct určitě. Již několik let provádím upgrade pouze příkazem archive, který to nastavení provede sám.

    Monday, 14.06.2010 15:44 | answer
  10. [10] Vaňas

    Zdravím Samuraji. Výborný web o síťových produktech a službách. Můžu se jenom zeptat. Když mám na síti 7 Cisco switchů (většinou C2950T), mohu bezplatně upgradnout jejich IOS na novější verzi ? teď v nich běží verze 12.1 která nepodporuje např. SSH, ověřování přes RADIUS apod. a to mi silně nevyhovuje.

    Díky za odpověď ;-)

    Saturday, 09.10.2010 21:56 | answer
  11. [11] Jozef

    Ak mam dva switche s rozdielnym IOS-om, mozem ten novsi ulozit na tftp a uograde -ovat na starsi?

    Monday, 11.10.2010 14:25 | answer
  12. [12] Samuraj

    respond to [10]Vaňas: Myslím, že licenčně správně to nelze. Některé nižší řady switchů snad Cisco uvolnilo jejich IOS, že jej můžeme upgradovat i bez zaplacené podpory, ale moc o tom nevím. Je možno zkusit přihlásit se do download na cisco.com a zkusit, jestli je možno IOS stáhnout. Ještě upozorním, že SSH je pouze v k9 verzi IOSu.

    Monday, 11.10.2010 14:51 | answer
  13. [13] Samuraj

    respond to [11]Jozef: Technicky to lze, ale licenčně správně to asi není.

    Monday, 11.10.2010 14:52 | answer
  14. [14] tomfi

    respond to [10]Vaňas: Pro C2950 by mohli být IOSy zdarma ke stažení, ale je třeba mít účet na cisco.com a přes ten to stáhnout. Najít ios co potřebujete není nejjednodušší, doporučuji support, download software, tam dát vyhledat "2950", nebo se zkuste podívat na http://tinyurl.com/2ud6nfw (stránka s jednou verzí IOSů).

    A sám si zkuste jestli s Vašim účtem lze IOS stáhnout (případně který, protože možná půjdou jen některé :) )

    Monday, 18.10.2010 09:34 | answer
  15. [15] loka

    odpověď na loka: Pro C2950 by mohli být IOSy zdarma ke stažení, ale je třeba mít účet na cisco.com a přes ten to stáhnout. Najít ios co potřebujete není nejjednodušší, doporučuji support, download software, tam dát vyhledat "2950", nebo se zkuste podívat na https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5AvoPp_MKg

    Tuesday, 02.06.2015 01:09 | answer
  16. [16] milne

    respond to [9]Samuraj: boot system flash:jméno nového IOS

    Wednesday, 10.02.2021 12:29 | answer
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